An eminent organization, providing the world class systems for safe & clean drinking water & sanitation to the society..

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About Us

Purified water is essential to live a healthy life, especially when around 80 percent of the diseases are waterborne. Therefore, the selection of right water treatment plant has become crucial for the people. But, people need not to worry and go elsewhere to purchase good quality water treatment plants. As we, at Toyam Technologies India Pvt. Ltd. offer RO System, Domestic RO Water Purifiers, Industrial  RO System, Water Recycling And Reuse System, Commercial RO System, etc., with a solo focus to provide safe water & sanitation thereby benefiting the society at large.

Incorporated in 2013, we are an ISO 9001:2008 certified company with CARE rating, known as a premier manufacturer, trader, exporter and wholesaler based in Pune, Maharashtra (India). The company is also registered under the Companies act 1956. As a service provider, we render Water Treatment Maintenance Services and Water Treatment Consulting Services. These services are executed by our experienced engineers and technocrats who have vast technical experience in this field.
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